
Contact us 0116 283 2200


Timesheet Submission

Please note all timesheets must be submitted to us by 1pm the following Monday to avoid your pay being delayed.

In a few simple steps you can complete and send your timesheet to The Teaching Team.

  1. Sign in with your username and password
  2. Enter the week ending date
  3. Enter the school names for each school you have visited that week
  4. Enter the type of day (AM/PM/FULL)
  5. Enter any additional comments e.g. 11 am start
  6. Enter the agency name
  7. Click the ‘Send timesheet’ button
  8. Click ‘Ok’ to confirm you are happy for the timesheet to be sent
  9. You will receive a confirmation message on the screen to confirm the timesheet has been sent to The Teaching Team
  10. Enjoy the weekend!

Please note: If you have worked at the same school for whole week tick the ‘Same school’ tick box and this will automatically complete your timesheet.